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Our experience tells us that poverty, including homelessness is often caused by lost connections. Imagine a ministry focused on helping to restore lost connections. Responding to MT 5 – the Sermon on the Mount - Dorothy Day Tampa will link trained volunteers with homeless guests entrusted to our care. Together, we will journey in faith, recognizing guests’ value and worth, while restoring lost connections within their communities.

Sound easy? “Life itself is a haphazard, untidy, messy affair.” – Servant of God Dorothy Day

If our ministry of holistic hospitality, loving each other, regardless of economic condition or social status, merits your support, please consider joining our ministry today. Your support demonstrates both your commitment to our vision while helping current guests entrusted to our care, one person at a time.

Thank you! We can’t do this without your support!

“The best things to do with the best things in life is to give them away.”

“People say, what is the sense of your small effort? They cannot see that we must lay one brick at a time.”

“We must talk about poverty, because people insulated by their own comfort lose sight of it.”

– Servant of God Dorothy Day